A 1r d’ESO hem engegat Think Science, l’activitat globalitzada d’Anglès i Ciències de la Natura. Hem començat fent mapes conceptuals en anglès sobre el tema dels éssers vius, que estem treballant a Ciències. Això ens permet repassar, adquirir vocabulari i guanyar expressió oral parlant de temes que comencem a dominar.
A poc a poc anirem avançant per passar a treballar 3 projectes al llarg del curs: Our living being, Women scientists who changed our life i Looking at the universe: an astronomy project. Us n’anirem informant…
Think Science or Our Simultaneous Learning of Science and English
In the 1st ESO group we have initiated a cross-curricular process that will lead us to learn science through English.
To start with, we are creating mind maps in English around the topic of living beings which we were previously taught in Biology classes.
These mind maps, generated through class discussions in collaboration with the teachers, are helping us recap content information and, at the same time, improve fluency in English, which we learn to use as the language for communication.
Throughout the school year, we will gradually move on to carry out three different projects: Our Living Being; Women Scientists Who Changed Our Life and Looking up at the Universe: An Astronomy Project.
We’ll tell you more soon.